ban the share button

🛑 Stop hitting the share button on other people’s and company page posts!

Here’s what you should do instead (and why)

Leave a comment.

This will trigger the “network effect” and many of your followers will see the original post in their newsfeed – WAY MORE than if you hit share.

Leaving a comment is also a very effective way of adding value to the original post, and it gets the discussion going.

Hitting the share button results in a new post that gets poor reach, and if you’re not reaching enough people, you’re making little impact and adding no value.

Make sure the comment isn’t shallow – “Nice post” doesn’t help anyone.

“I appreciate your opinion, but have you considered the consequences of not doing what you mentioned in point number 3?”

👆 This is better.

Finally – if you really NEED to share the post, re-write it as a fresh post, in your own words, referencing the post you saw.

This is a much better way of serving the people who have opted in to hear from you (your followers and connections).

Will you fight me on this, or do you welcome the “share button ban”?

#socialselling #personalbranding #linkedintraining #nicholaskruldigital


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