By consistently being active on LinkedIn, you will reap the benefits in the long term. Just a few minutes of intentional action each day will quickly build a track record for you, and improve your reputation, and perhaps even your career.

LinkedIn is a superb platform on which to grow your personal brand, network with peers and prospects, and look for new career and sales opportunities. Use it effectively and you’ll benefit yourself, your company and your industry.

Here are 2 things you should be doing, daily, on LinkedIn:

  1. Engage – Comment on the posts of your colleagues, industry peers and your company – this positions you as an authority and expert in your field and builds your reputation. It also gives that piece of content greater reach (more people will see it)
  2. Post something original – an interesting article you found, an article you wrote, or simply your opinion on something relevant to your industry, company or customers – and make sure you use images in your posts to attract attention. When posting, use hashtags – yes, this isn’t only for Twitter and Instagram – when someone types something into the search bar in LinkedIn, the platform serves content which contains hashtags relevant to the search terms. It helps people discover you and your content. When you comment and post, use the “@” sign before someone’s name – this ensures they’ll see the content you consider relevant to them.


  • I teach professionals like you to master LinkedIn and use it to immediately outshine your competition, and move the needle in your business

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