I hear this question from time to time.
I say no, you can’t be TOO active, as long as you keep the following points in mind:
- Your activity serves your followers. Everything you put out on LinkedIn MUST make the lives of your followers better.
- You don’t post more than once a day. Give your posts time too live and die in the feed. Only post something new once engagement and views on your previous post slows to an almost-stop.
- You focus on serving, not selling. The hard sell does not work on LinkedIn. Focus on informing & educating.
Also, remember to stay in your lane. Post about the things your customers care about, and stay on topic.
Pour salt in their wounds. Poke the bear. Show them you deeply understand what they’re going through.
It’s when you use LinkedIn with no clear strategy that it can suck your time and not deliver meaningful business results.
Have a plan, know what you want to achieve, and how to achieve it, and do that. Over and over again. Every day. Every week. Every month.
If you don’t know exactly what to do, invest in training, for yourself and your team, and short-cut the learning curve.
You DO want results from the time you spend on LinkedIn, don’t you?
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