Yes, you can give people no option but to see your name!
It’s all about taking actions which trigger notifications to be sent to the people you choose.
- Search for the right people and view their profiles. This send them a notification that you visited their profile.
- Before asking them to connect with you, click “follow”. Not only does this trigger a notification, but it shows that you’re truly interested in them. Commenting on their posts triggers more notifications to be sent to them as well as giving you an opportunity to express your knowledge, opinion and expertise – it also allows you to start adding value to them – the best start to a relationship.
- Invite them to connect with you. Always send a personal note explaining why you want to connect. Make it about them, not about you. For example: “I’d love to connect because your content resonates with me.” or “Let’s connect because I think you may find my posts insightful.”
- Thank new connections for joining your network. Not only is it good manners, but you’re “forcing” that person to see your name again.
- Don’t send sales pitches to new connections – rather offer helpful, interesting content which they’ll appreciate.
By making yourself visible AND adding value while expecting nothing in return, you make yourself memorable, likeable and valuable.
Ultimately, this also makes you influential, which is good for business.
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