The larger your network is, the more people will see your content and possibly refer business your way. That’s good, right?
Follow this simple strategy to gain more followers and be noticed by more of the right people.
- Make sure your profile is polished and you have a compelling headline.
When you’re inviting someone to connect with you, they’ll do so if they think there’s something in it for them. Your headline should explain the value you offer. - Visit the profiles of the people you’d like to connect with and learn more about them, so that you have something to talk about.
- Always follow the person you’d like to connect with, in case they don’t accept your connection request. You’ll still then be notified when they publish content that you can engage with.
- Accompany your connection request with a personal note, giving a great reason for them to connect with you. Make it about them and explain what’s in it for them.
- Thank new connections for accepting your invitation and use voice and video messages for extra impact.
- Add new people to your network all the time. This also tells the LinkedIn algorithm that you’re active and bringing something to their platform, and your posts will perform better.
By constantly growing your network a little at a time, you can very easily add thousands of people to your connected audience in a reasonably short amount of time.

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