If you’re involved in marketing at your company, chances are good that the LinkedIn company page is your responsibility.

I keep hearing the same questions from people like you…

I’ll start by confirming 3 things you already think are true:

  • The posts on your company page are not getting the reach or the engagement you’re hoping for.
  • Most engagement comes from your employees and some existing customers.
  • Your page is NOT generating leads.

I see you nodding your head. Ok, I’m imagining it as I type this. Now you’re smiling. (I hope)

The point is that the effort you’re doing on your company’s LinkedIn page is not delivering the results you want.

The next question should come naturally…

A few things, actually. (This is good news.)

  • Don’t stop posting content to your page, but don’t kill yourself doing it.
  • Posting company page content twice a week is enough. Tell your boss I said so.
  • Avoid the over-produced, brand-aligned designs – they only look like ads. Everyone hates ads.
  • Tell stories about your people. Yes, your employees. And your customers. Use images of these people, doing whatever it is they do.
  • Tell your employees that it’s forbidden to re-post anything. Anything at all. They must rather comment. I’m serious.

Remember, LinkedIn is SOCIAL MEDIA. Yep, a digital communication platform used by people, to communicate with other people.

NOT a digital billboard.

Got it? Good.

Last question.

Excellent question!!!

The answer:

Through the profiles and posts of your people. (so many P’s!)

When your employees and colleagues have rockstar profiles, they look good to the outside world. Your company then does too.

When your people share high-value, relevant content with their followers, they become known as valuable. And so does your business.

Everyone in your business has an important role to play in being the “face of the company” – most especially your sales and leadership teams.

If they’re not putting their best foot (feet?) forward, you’re not only missing out on brand awareness and leads, but your competition on LinkedIn who are doing a better job than you are, are killing you.

What’s next?

Get everyone in your team on the same page, and pointed in the same direction when it comes to using LinkedIn.

This means training, coaching, developing a strategy, inviting people to participate, leaders setting a good example, and more…

What’s the upside?

New business that comes looking for you, because they know you, like you and trust you.

They’ll come to you when they’re ready, not when you’re trying to sell something.

Don’t sell on LinkedIn. Educate. Inform. Inspire. Enlighten.

Make it about them.

The main job of your company’s LinkedIn page is to serve as a “home” for your employees.

It’s what they do on the platform that actually matters.

Fight me on this?

P.S. I realise you might not be the right person, or have capacity to execute on what I’m talking about in this article.

If this is true for you, reach out and I’ll be happy to assist where I can.

I’m your LinkedIn coach.


  • I teach professionals like you to master LinkedIn and use it to immediately outshine your competition, and move the needle in your business

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